We would like to offer you step by step instructions on how to get a PCB Quote.

First the legal requirements: quotes form an integral part of the traditional, legal, offer and acceptance contract process.
When you receive your quote, it is your responsibility to review the specifications provided.
For example, we have seen customers who inadvertently leave out the inner layer files of their multi-layer board submissions. The 2 layer quote is provided and accepted. The 2 layer board is then manufactured and delivered to the customer who is somewhat dismayed to discover the PCB does not perform as designed.
To ensure you receive an accurate PCB quote, make sure you provide:
- All of the files for quoting: Gerbers, NC Drill Files, Tool Size Report, in one zip file to ensure file integrity, refer to our FAQs page for specifications.
- A "Copper Readme" or "Aluminum-Trace Readme" file with all of the critical information and a Fabrication drawing.
- Any specifications that are outside industry standard, i.e. a tolerance on board edge position +/- 2 mil, which is less than the industry standard of +/- 5 mil (If you aren’t sure what the industry standards are for some specifications, you can call or email us and we would be glad to help; you can also visit the IPC.Org website and get the industry standards from their shop)
The quote process is very straightforward:
- You provide the material listed above along with your quantity, lead-time requirement, and shipping method
- You will be provided with a PDF Quote via e-mail
- You approve the quote via e-mail confirmation, or formal Purchase Order
- You then receive a PDF Order Verification via e-mail
- You receive a link for electronic payment via e-mail
- You pay
- Your boards get fabricated and then shipped
One of the challenges of any PCB manufacturer is providing quote responses which are easily understood, provide all the relevant detail required, and help the reader quickly and fairly evaluate their offering.
At Omni, our quote sheets are constantly evolving and in some cases have been developed to be customer specific. The quoting process can be as personal or as formal as you require.
How simple is it to get a PCB quote?
Determine if you require generic/common Copper PCBs or Superconductive Cryogenic (very low temperature) Aluminum-Trace PCBs, send us your files to sales@omni... and receive your quote.