Frequently Asked Questions - Documentation


How can I send files for quote purposes?

Use our "Submit File for Quote" form at the right of this page.

Or you can use a software like PK Zip (.zip) to compress your files into a single document, this keeps your files intact, then send them to us via e-mail attention sales(at)


What files are needed to get a PCB quote?

You need to send us a compressed ZIP or RAR file containing: Gerber file with all layers required to fabricate your printed circuit board, an Excellon Drill File with the associated tool sizes, and an updated and correct "Copper Readme.txt" or "Aluminum-Trace Readme.txt" file where you specify contact information, board technology specs, qty required, etc.

An example of the layers that need to be included in the Gerber File are:

  • Copper Layer Top
  • Copper Layer Bottom
  • Solder Mask Top
  • Solder Mask Bottom
  • Silk Screen Top
  • Silk Screen Bottom
  • Board Outline
  • PCB Fabrication Drawing (useful but not necessary)

The aperture information associated with each file should be provided, we recommend Gerber RS274X format, as it has the aperture information embedded into the Gerber file itself.

It is a good idea to tell us your data format for both Drill and Gerber files in your "Read Me .Txt" file.

Our recommended format is 2.4 leading absolute coordinates for the Gerber file, and 2.4 trailing absolute coordinates for the Drill file.

Set software arcs to "ON", vector plotter type, and "NO" to G54 data.


How can I generate Gerber files for PCB fabrication if I am designing with AutoCad? 

If you are designing a board in AutoCad and don't have the Gerber File Add-On, you can export the design into HPGL format.

We need to know the plotter type it was written for and the "pen width" table.

We can also import *.dxf files.

In general is best to save in AutoCad 12 format and more efficient to use a PCB layout program to design a board, rather than using AutoCad.

AutoCad files have to have the drill file manually created in CAD, and the layouts are generally not formatted the same way in which files coming from PCB Layout software would be. Building from AutoCad has extra editing charges.


What if I'm designing with Cadsoft Eagle?

We are able to utilize the Gerber files created by Cadsoft Eagle, just remember to compress them into a single .ZIP or .RAR file.